Recycled Silk Sari scarves, Knitted, Faux Fur and Fabric Scarves.

Due to COVID-19 I am taking safety precautions with regard to packaging customer orders.








OnTrend Craft Event in Hadley, MA 11th May

I'm pleased to announce that I will be vending at this Spring event on 11th May, organized by OnTrend Crafts at the Hadley Farms Meeting House in Massachusetts! This is a juried event with many varied and talented artists and crafts people and I feel fortunate and excited to be part of it. I'll be taking my air plants, felt succulents and a variety of holders for them, wood slice items and silk scarves made from recycled Saris.If you're in Brattleboro or surrounding areas this event is not far from you! I hope you'll be able to visit. This is a well timed event, just at the beginning of Spring and warmer weather and the same weekend as Mother's Day! Ideal for a visit, there's a great variety of items, gifts for yourselves, family, friends or for Mom! We all hope to see you there, please stop by and say hi:)

You can see more at the facebook page here + photos from this fair and past events

I thoroughly enjoyed the day at Hadley, meeting the vendors and the customers. The vendors booths were beautiful and It was a warm and sunny day for the event:)


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